IG NAME: James_Frank
What do the shortcuts means?
MG: Metagaming
PG: Powergaming
DM: Deathmatch
RT: Rush Taze
NJ: Ninja Jack
DB: Drive By
OOC: Out of character
IC: In Character
CK: Character Kill
CS: Crack Shoot
CP: Car Park
(That is basics for RP)
Why you want to lead Government?
Cause i will help other peoples in San Andreas and makes their's life better, no one may be MUCH MUCH poor. Every law in the city MUST be followed. I will be happy to work as President or lead Government cause i can make a big difference in the cities and makes a good life to EVERYONE who doesn't have a good life in San Andreas.
How can you help the Government?
I will help Government to get a better economy and not too much poor peoples. The peoples in the San Andreas MUST be safe, if they aren't i will make the city safe, for each other. The peoples in San Andreas will get a smile on their face every tmie they are outside or inside.....
Hope you accept my application.